Friday, August 31, 2012

Globalist Stooge and Neocon Takes Swipe at Ron Paul

Jamie Fly has taken a parting shot at Ron Paul. In an article posted on the online version of the National Review – a magazine that has lost about $25 million over 50 years – Fly criticizes an obligatory GOP tribute and send-off following months of sabotage.

“Instead of honoring Paul on the way out, the delegates in Tampa should be cheering his departure. He has left a legacy of extremism and falsehoods that need to be driven from the party, not embraced by it,” Fly writes.

Paul’s “extremism” consists of his adherence to the foreign policy of the founders, notably George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, who championed nonintervention in European wars. For neocons like Fly and his cohorts at the Foreign Policy Initiative, the very prospect of not invading small countries – especially Arab and Muslim countries – and engaging in mass murder is not only indefensible, it is abhorrent.

Mr. Fly and his fellows at the neocon “advocacy group” are taking up where the Project for a New American Century and the American Enterprise Institute left off following the so-called Bush era. In fact, the Bush era never really ended. It was seamlessly continued by Barack Obama, albeit with Democrat flourishes.

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