Monday, February 06, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood-Infiltrated ‘Paulistinians’ and the Neocon War Machine

No more sugar-coating it. The Emperor has no clothes! We’ve been sold out. The Constitution is in ribbons. The lies of those who have exploited War Fever & Patriotism continue coming to light. The propaganda war machine has convinced the GOP electorate that they must fund both sides of wars in foreign nations. They have convinced Republican voters that a voluntary Army means we soldiers like War and wouldn’t do multiple deployments if we didn’t believe in the mission (whatever it is today). The establishment has succeeded in influencing people to spread ‘democracy’ with the barrel of a gun instead of prosperity with friendly trade.

Now, yours truly, has been accused of being infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood and was labeled a “Paulistinian” by Republican establishment types at a recent straw poll. With people hanging out at Republican events talking about how we should watch out for the Sharia boogeyman around every corner, I have to wonder what the hell is wrong with these people who used to believe in freedom of religion. Do Christians like it when labeled as wanting to replace the Constitutional Republic with a theocracy? Muslim Americans serve in the United States military just like people from a plethora of various faiths.

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