Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Can a Third Party Save Us From a Neocon Doom? by Robert Schumacher

Unchecked “neconservative” power in the United States over the past six years has brought us to bloody international warfare, attempted to establish a technological and executive police state, and helped rush out of America any industry that can be moved to foreign places whose pitiful social conditions generate big profits for a privileged few of our citizens. We have seen the GOP under neocon rule change its flags from the standard of the “old republic” to that of a new empire, the power thrust of an elite corporate globalism. Neocons seem to be at odds with the traditions of the republican party, whose constituency is largely middle class traditionalists of every faith and variety. At the head of the GOP today are wealthy corporate-backed globalists, whose policies primarily revolve around growing rich on the economies of the world. These are a very small minority of the GOP, yet they command most of of the power. Far outnumbering these wealthy interests is middle America, who still hold it a virtue to place “America First” and deal with the rest of the world accordingly.

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