Thursday, November 10, 2005

CNN Psy-Ops by Wayne Madsen

CNN's Christiane Amanpour, married to Democratic neo-con Jamie Rubin, Madeleine Albright's one-time water carrier, is now reporting from France on the "seriousness" of the situation, likening it to the Algerian Civil War and leftist riots in 1968. She also referred to riots on one of the islands off of France but did not seem to recall its name. The island is Corsica, which has seen violence from an independence movement.

With Amanpour's scripts obviously being pre-approved by CNN's Washington head honcho Wolf Blitzer, a one time reporter for the Jerusalem Post and a former editor for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) newsletter The Near East Report, look for CNN to hype the situation in France and elsewhere as a European "Intifada."

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