Thursday, December 01, 2005

Plamegate's Soft Underbelly by Phil Toler

Even if Cheney, Rove, and Bush are never touched by an actual indictment, the entire support structure they rely on to maintain the monstrous US foreign policy that is at the root of most of our problems will be chiseled away, a few players at a time, until the sordid reality that their agenda is dominated by those who care far more about Israel than the United States is revealed. With the Emperor, Cheney and his Rove/Bush front standing naked for all to see, the revulsion of a vast majority of Americans might be just the tidal wave required to cleanse Washington of the Neocon vermin and their agents, cast Israel adrift to demonstrate its unsustainability, and let true representatives of the people embrace the pre-PATRIOT Act Constitution and set about to repair all the damage wreaked by the Criminals-in-Chief.

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