Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Lieberman's 'War Cabinet' by Justin Raimondo

Lieberman, like the rest of his fellow neocons, is living in a fantasy world. Of those 27 million Iraqis he keeps invoking, the overwhelming majority want us out. As to the nature of the insurgency, even the president recognizes that some, perhaps a good number, represent nationalist forces who simply resent the occupation: Lieberman, however, disdains them all as "terrorists," "revanchists," and "Islamic extremists." To blame the insurgents alone for the civil war is to blank out the reality of Shi'ite death squads striking in the south and central regions of Iraq, instituting a veritable reign of terror; it is to ignore Kurdish ultra-nationalists intent on driving Arabs off their land. Lieberman somehow fails to mention any of this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It always seemed to me that Leiberman is a closet Neocon.It was one of the reasons some ddidn't vote for Al Gore.I wonder if 911 would have happened and Joe would have been the one to rush the US to a war in Iraq.Would Gore have been able to rein him in,confront Saudi Arabia and go after Usama?

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