Monday, April 18, 2005

Zionist Fox Guards American Henhouse Protection Racket by Henry Makow PhD

There is a drumbeat in the media to convince Americans they are victims of Muslim fanatics. This propaganda campaign is carried out by Neo Cons (a.k.a. Zionists.) In an otherwise disappointing new book, "The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America," Michael Collins Piper writes:

"In the build-up to the Iraq war, Zionist propagandists and the media increasingly began touting the message to Americans that "the whole world is against us"... and the Israelis are our only real solid dependable ally ...The theme that anti Americanism had run rampant was instilled in Americans for the very purpose of making them "anti" everyone who refused to support the...Iraq war...and the more broad ranging Zionist agenda."

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