Monday, December 30, 2013

A neocon’s annual wrap-up

In the interest of tying up some loose ends, here are a few updates before the new year.
  • Principle, What Principle?
Remember how 2013 began with much ado over Al Gore’s unseemly $500 million sale of Current TV network to Al-Jazeera, aka “the Muslim Brotherhood channel”? Even anything-for-a-buck Time Warner Cable saw fit to drop the Qatar-owned “news” organization from its package. Well, TWC this month announced that, yes, it will be bringing Al-Jazeera America into 55 million American homes after all. “Financial terms weren’t disclosed,” USA Today reported.
  • The Few. The Proud. The Gender-Normed.
Remember how, with a stroke of their pens, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin E. Dempsey decreed that no battlefield mission or military role would be off-limits to women? Call it the Equal Rights Amendment by executive fiat. But hold on about “equal.” As Elaine Donnelly’s Center for Military Readiness has reported, “gender-norming” is the Pentagon’s idea of “equal.”

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