Sunday, January 15, 2006

Laundering Casino Cash For NeoCon Politicians by Wayne Madsen

What investigators are quickly discovering is a global Abramoff network involving Russian-Israeli criminal syndicates that were involved in laundering money through Sun Cruz casino boats in Florida, casinos on Indian tribal lands in the United States, West Bank of Palestine, the Greek isle of Patroclos (which involved Israeli land developer David Appel and Gilad Sharon), a Sun Cruz casino ship in Saipan, an Internet gambling and lottery venture in Guam, and casinos in the Philippines, Sharm el Sheikh in the Sinai, pachinko slot machines and casinos in Japan, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Canada, Virgin Islands, South Africa, and Abramoff's hometown of Atlantic City, New Jersey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Today is the beginning of the countdown to the end of Indian Casino gambling,and the beginning of international criminal investigations, indictments, guilty pleas, verdicts, murders, suicides, and a very, very long list of elected and appointed officials quickly disappearing.

One year from now, the USA will be a totaly different landscape, one free of legalized gambling, and a giant leap closer to becoming a total Isamic Republic. MARK MY WORDS! Thank's, Abramov! I SURE AS HELL WOULDN'T WANT TO BE AN AMERICAN WOMAN AFTER THIS HAPPENS! Remember the soccer stadium incident in Afghanastan? Adulterous women, lesbians, and other female deviant's were rounded up, put in the back of the mulla's pick-up, taken to the soccer field, and shot in the back of the head. THIS is what happens to ALL women who defy men in an Islamic Republic. COMING SOON TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!!!

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