Tuesday, November 15, 2011

So you want to be a neoconservative? C’est facile!

Recently I read that Robert Kagan is the smartest neocon around and, being enormously competitive, I bought a couple of his books-- skinny ones--to figure out what makes him so goddamn smart. And then it came to me: I have to spend more time in the south of France! A few of Kagan's mots juste:

Louis XIV remarked, "L'Etat c'est moi"

Napoleon attempted to promote egalite and fraternite with the sword

France's proposed defense budget increase will prove, like the force de frappe

Hubert Vedrine coined the term hyperpuissance to describe an American behemoth
But leaving aside French amour propre

Some Frenchmen still yearn for la gloire

Joschka Fischer's volte face was the most striking

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