Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Neocon Twins McCain and Graham Sad About Troubling Lack of Airstrikes In Libya In February and March

Because of the reflexive “everything Obama does is wrong” strategy for Republican control of government, you have a spectacle where the President intervened in a foreign country and led to an apparent change in regime, and according to Lindsey Graham and John McCain the real problem was that we didn’t commit more resources into Libya back in February and March:

This achievement was made possible first and foremost by the struggle and sacrifice of countless Libyans, whose courage and perseverance we applaud. We also commend our British, French, and other allies, as well as our Arab partners, especially Qatar and the UAE, for their leadership in this conflict. Americans can be proud of the role our country has played in helping to defeat Qaddafi, but we regret that this success was so long in coming due to the failure of the United States to employ the full weight of our airpower.

This isn’t even the Green Lantern Theory of Geopolitics, it’s the Superman theory, where the neocons re-spin the Earth and pitch the scenario that leads to the most death and destruction.

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