Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Neo-Cons for Human Rights?

As counter-intuitive as it may sound, a great deal of Neo-Conservatives are deeply involved in human rights. One may wonder in what capacity, since this war mongering clique of big-business connected scoundrels is renowned for its role in the most unprecedented, flagrant, and grievous human rights violations in American history.

Their signature can be found scrawled across the evisceration of the US Bill of Rights via the Patriot Act, the fake "War on Terror," the resulting Abu Ghraib atrocities and the very existence of the Guantanamo Bay facility in Cuba. One of the very crimes in fact that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has been pinned with was helping facilitate the CIA's extra-legal rendition and torture program dreamed up under the Neo-Conservative packed Bush Administration. If ever there was an "Axis of Evil" these men certainly deserve a place within it.

The most ardent supporters and architects of "George Bush's War on Terror" can be found within the unscrupulous confines of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Notable signatories of PNAC's various and ranting statements include:

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