Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hunting the neocons

Neoconservatism pervades our politics. Why else does Obama appoint the discredited Iraq war planner Stephen Hadley, who as a Bush aide put the lie about Niger yellowcake into the State of the Union speech in '02, on his Middle East braintrust? Well there is some pushback. Three items. First, Seymour Hersh tries to get out from under the cloud of the neocons, in a speech in Qatar. You have to travel that far to get out from under their cloud, I mean it's not like you write about this in the New Yorker:

A few years ago Bill Kristol spoke fearfully of the "insanity" of blaming neoconservatives. David Frum said the same thing lately even more nuttily (h/t Peter Voskamp):

Here's Slavoj Zizek in the London Review of Books. I think this will be my thumbnail Leo Strauss understanding for some time to come. Thus do members of a cabal rationalize the efficacy of a cabal.

1 comment:

Mr. Mcgranor said...

As a paleoconservative: i realise that we should never stop with our third side of the story.

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