Thursday, September 07, 2006

Persian Scholar Kaveh Farrokh Responds to Toronto Sun Lunacy in Advocating "Nuking" Iran

September 2nd, 2006

Dear Editors of the Toronto Sun,

I was very surprised to see your distinguished paper publish a qualitatively substandard article by Michael Coren, who openly advocates the nuking of Iran and Iranians in a piece entitled "We Should Nuke Iran".

At a time when rational thought and intelligence discourse are vitally in need, the publication of hate literature and racist articles is precisely what serves to undermine those who seek constructive alternatives to present day geopolitical crises. Mr. Coren proves unable (or unwilling) to separate the political machinations of a government versus the people who are unable to control the actions or statements of its leadership.

Mr. Coren displays a profound lack of knowledge of (a) current events and (b) historical factors. Consideration could be given to appropriate funds to send Mr. Coren to take courses to raise Mr. Coren's current level of education and intellect (I use the latter term with considerable latitude and license here). Put simply: Mr. Coren is in desperate need of schooling.

Mr. Coren may also benefit from therapeutic measures aimed at addressing his pathological dislike of certain ethnic groups. To my knowledge, there are plenty of Psychiatrists available who are more than willing to work with patients in need of attitude correction with respect to violent racialist thinking.

The Toronto Sun is a highly respected newspaper that has featured distinguished and world renowned experts such as Eric Margolis. The publication of Coren's fascist-style ravings are a travesty to not only your own reputation but against the very foundations of honest journalism.

I end this note of protest with old Persian proverb:

Those who choose to wield the pen are entrusted with an awesome responsibility to the people...

With the Utmost Concern

Dr. Kaveh Farrokh
University of British Columbia - Continuing Studies
Stanford University - WAIS (World Association of International Studies) member
Member of Iran Linguistics Society
Historical Consultant to History Channel

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