Tuesday, February 14, 2006

WMD Pipeline from Iraq to Syria? by William Norman Grigg

Sada doesn’t claim to be an eyewitness, insisting that he was told of the transfer by Iraqi airline pilots who supposedly flew 56 missions to deliver chemical weapons to Syria. “I know them well,” Sada told the paper. “They are very good friends of mine. We trust each other. We are friends as pilots.” The anonymous pilots purportedly claimed that two Iraqi Airways Boeing jets were “converted to cargo planes by removing the seats,” after which special Republican Guard brigades loaded what were described as “yellow barrels with skull and crossbones on each barrel.”

Of course, the only way to validate or falsify Sada’s claim would be to invade and occupy Syria. Should the chemical weapons then fail to materialize, would another “witness” appear, solemnly attesting that they have been transferred to Sudan, or Lebanon, or Egypt, or Saudi Arabia, or perhaps even to France — that is, to some other country on the neo-conservative hit list?

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