Saturday, February 08, 2014

Marco Rubio Goes Neocon

Potential GOP presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio offered a glimpse into how he would act as commander in chief, saying the U.S. should "overtly" arm Syrian rebels. The Florida lawmaker is reportedly mulling a run at the Republican nomination in 2016 and has called for a national and foreign policy that is more in line with the hawkish interventionism of 2008 presidential nominee Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., than Obama's narrower approach that requires a direct and clear U.S. interest.

If Rubio wins the White House in 2016, that might change. The potential Republican candidate, in a statement issued late Wednesday, revealed an interventionist flavor to the foreign and national security policy approach he would bring to the White House Situation Room.

Rubio blasted the Obama administration, saying "we are going to be living with the consequences of the Obama administration's failed Syria policy for decades to come. It is time for the administration to increase pressure on Assad instead of giving him more room to maneuver," Rubio said, in an apparent reference to Obama's decision last year to hold off on air strikes when Assad agreed to give up his chemical weapons.

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